report about dramaBu Bu Jing Qing

Snow White and the Five Grumpy Princes. At least dad is semi-smiling?
The “sequel” to popular timetraveling series, Shanghai Tangren’s Bu Bu Jing Xin, has recently begun filming. The new series, titled Bu Bu Jing Qing 步步惊情, features a similar cast, but is instead a modern intrigue series. Starring Liu Shishi, Nicky Wu, Ye Zuxinand Li Zongren from the original series and with the new edition of Sun Yizhou, Jiang Jinfu, Zeng Yike and Chen
Xiang, the series released character posters today.

Emperor Yongzheng reincarnates himself as a high exec to find his true love, who
unfortunately never managed to find a better stylist in the past few hundred years
Sun Yizhou moves out of iPartment to become the heir of a large corporation
.Jiang Jinfu plays the younger brother of Sun Yizhou. What kind of century is this that only the eldest inherits a company?
Ye Zuxin appears to not be a third son, although his earring may indicate a
connection with Jiang Jinfu?

Chen Xiang plays an ex. Also joining the cast from eeMedia is Zeng Yike, who plays LIu Shishi’s best friend.
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