عشقى وهوسى باوغرى شون SHUN OGURI بيخلينى اى خبر عنه لااستطيع ان اتجاهله ولعشاق الوسيم اوغرى شون هيكون معادكم مع فيلمه الجديد
Lupin III Live Action Movie
![صورة: F4 Members from different 'Hana Yori Dango' versions clashes on the Lupin III Live Action Movie
Shun Oguri (from Hana Yori Dango Original Series) will clash with the renowned Taiwanese actor Jerry Yan (from the Hana Yori Dango adaptation 'Meteor Graden') in the live action movie in the franchise of Lupin III. Jerry Yan will act as one of the antagonist as Michael Lee, acting against Lupin's actions.
Also, South Korean actor Kim Joon (from the Korean adaptation of Hana Yori Dango -- 'Boys Over Flowers') will be in the movie with a role of a computer whiz that is part of the thievery squad.
How would these three act their respective roles? Let's see for them in the movie itself, premiering on August 30 (Japan). Release dates for other countries were still not announced, particularly in the Philippines.
TRIVIA for Lupin III: Some scenes from the upcoming movie were shot from Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Philippines. (Woah, that's surprising.)
-JDF Original Articles-
الثلاثة هتكون فيه مباراة خاصة فى التمثيل بينهم وخصوصا ان ادوارهم هتتطلب مواجهة وصراع لانهم الشخصيات المحورية فى الفيلم وجيرى هيكون العدو اللدود لاوغرى
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الفيلم تم تصويره بالاضافة الى اليابان ايضا صور فى هونغ كونغ والفلبين وسنغافورة
بعض الفيديوهات التعريفية بالفيلم
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